Lovinggood Middle School PTSA
Bringing Parents, Teachers, and Students together
The LMS PTSA works diligently with school administration, staff,
parents and the community in providing improvements
for the LMS community using your donations
and membership fees.

Join PTSA today.

Please click the links to purchase your membership. Based on your membership level, your coupons and gifts will be delivered to your student to take home!
Thank you for supporting the Lovinggood Parent Teacher Student Association!
Your membership is the foundation of our successful programs!
Box Tops

Look for the logo! Be sure to check out the full list of participating products, as some are not labeled.

Tap the scan button to snap a photo of your receipt within 14 days of purchase.

Box top earnings are identified and automatically updated online.

When you shop, our students win!
Shop and Earn

Follow the steps below for easy set-up. These partners will pay a portion of your purchase to PTSA to help LMS programs.
Please share this information with family and friends who may not already be tied to another school or charity. Thank you for your support!

This is a free service
- Go to https://www.kroger.com
- Select "Sign In" or "Create an Account"
- Go to "My Account"
- Select "Community Rewards"
- Search for “Lovinggood”
- Click "Enroll"
- Remember to present your Plus Card or phone number during checkout each time you shop at Kroger!

This is a free service.
- Go to https://www.publix.com
- Select Log In or Sign Up for a new account
- Go to My Account
- My Settings and make sure your phone number is tied to the account
- Click "Select a School" (under My Publix Partner)
- Enter “Lovinggood” in the Search field
- Choose "Lovinggood" from the results
- click "Select"
- Remember to give your phone number during checkout each time you shop at Publix!
We're here to help!
Lovinggood Middle School PTSA Officers
- President - Bryoni Prentice president@lovinggoodptsa.org
- Vice President - Joylnn Quinones vicepresident@lovinggoodptsa.org
- Vice President - Naima Davis vicepresident2@lovinggoodptsa.org
- Recording Secretary - Heidi Hager secretary@lovinggoodptsa.org
- Treasurer - Darilyn Thompson treasurer@lovinggoodptsa.org
- Parliamentarian - Karrah Ruffin parliamentarian@lovinggoodptsa.org

When you shop, our students win!

Interested in volunteering?
Complete this form to indicate your areas of interest, or contact the Committee Chair listed below.
Coordinates 6th grade programs. Obtains volunteers and donations from 6th grade families for Fall Social, Teacher Appreciation Week and other events as needed.
Chair: Shanika Queeman
Coordinates 7th grade programs. Obtains volunteers and donations from 7th grade families for Fall Social, Teacher Appreciation Week and other events as needed.
Chair Melody Daniels
Chair Leah Panthier
Coordinates 8th grade programs. Obtains volunteers and donations from 8th grade families for 8th grade spring dance, Teacher Appreciation Week and other events as needed. Chairs 8th grade dance committee and gives status reports to PTSA Executive Board.
Chair - Trent Flournoy tflournoy1981@gmail.com
Work with the LMS school counselors and local community leaders to create awareness programs and activities that benefit our greater community (i.e., Giving Tree). Chair is PTSA contact person to determine how LMS can provide immediate relief for LMS families/faculty in need due to death, severe illness, fire, etc.
Chair - Beth Schiano beth.schiano@gmail.com
Chair trains volunteer workers, coordinates and maintain work schedules for Production Lab (copy room). Committee is responsible for making & distributing all school copies.
Chair Shaniah Alishio snalishio@gmail.com
Plans and coordinates volunteers, donations, food and decoration purchases for general PTSA events. Some events include Staff Welcome Back Lunch, Xmas Dessert Buffet, and Teacher Appreciation Week Lunches as well as other events as needed. Responsible for the Hospitality Committee and gives status reports to PTSA Executive Board.
Chair Amy Jones amy@accessjones.com
Chair Jenny Roach jennyeroach16@gmail.com
Works with memberhub and membership to assist the board with generating numbers and any issues that may arise with Memberhub.
Chair - Monica Elliot icatika@yahoo.com
Committee Chair and Exec Board develop a membership growth plan to support school PTSA events and programs. Committee works during the summer to create/update all membership forms and packets, as well as obtain company promotionals and product incentives for membership packets. Committee conducts membership drive during Rising 6th Grade Boot Camp, Meet and Greet Event before school begins, Open House, and Fall Grade Level Social Event Ticket sales to collect membership forms/dues.
Chair - Rachel Nelson rachel.ramsey.nelson@gmail.com
Chair - Heidi Hager secretary@lovinggoodptsa.org
Coordinates LMS participation in PTSA Arts Recognition Program for students. Program emphasizes the importance of art in schools. Chair works with the school to ensure education of program to the students to increase participation. Responsible for the Reflections Committee and gives status reports to PTSA Executive Board.
Coordinates the design of spirit wear, orders and maintains product levels for the school store with board approval and direction. Coordinates volunteer work schedules for store’s daily operation (8:50am – 9:10am). Responsible for the School Store Committee and gives status reports to PTSA Executive Board.
Chair - Wykeshia Horne wdavisonhorne@gmail.com
Coordinates with local businesses to have scheduled LMS PTSA Spirit Nights, in turn we get a portion of their proceeds from the sales. Keeps track of earned proceeds from all Spirit Nights. Responsible for the Spirit Nights Committee and gives status reports to PTSA Executive Board.
Chair - Ryan Peschell-Trosan - ryan_peschell@hotmail.com
Committee Chair and Exec Board develop a membership growth plan to support school PTSA events and programs. Committee works during the summer to create/update all membership forms and packets, as well as obtain company promotionals and product incentives for membership packets. Committee conducts membership drive during Rising 6th Grade Boot Camp, Meet and Greet Event before school begins, Open House, and Fall Grade Level Social Event Ticket sales to collect membership forms/dues.
Chair - Chantal Howard - chantalhoward18@yahoo.com
Chair coordinates Teacher of Month Award and works with Board on implementing various Student Recognition programs. Committee creates Award Baskets and postings of TOM and SOM Awards or varied recognition programs. Responsible for the TOM and SOM Recognition Committee and gives status reports to PTSA Executive Board.
Chair - Tiffany Green tlgreen08@gmail.com
This committee chair works as a liaison for all of our committees in organizing volunteers for various events and committees.
Chair - Lynetta Johnson lynnetta.johnson02@gmail.com